
Here's an update on my scribbling progress. I was having trouble getting started because I couldn't find the "perfect" skein of handspun to use. I kept going through all the items in my store and none of them seemed quite right. Then I started pawing through my drawers and found this old skein that I had bought from Fun With Yarn and knitted into a square for no apparent reason. (I think I may have been intending to back it with fabric and make it a throw pillow cover, but my cats eat wool, so it wouldn't have been a very smart project for me.) I realized that the square matched perfectly with the 5 mini-tester balls that I had been using for my swatches.

The left half of my brain is annoyed that the scarf edges are uneven, but the right half is telling me that a freeform project like this is supposed to be organic and not have straight lines.

The picture above is approximately 2 hours' work. At this rate, I may have it finished in time to post the instructions at the beginning of next week. I couldn't resist the gratuitous inclusion of Hedwig in the picture, who was angry about having to sleep on the couch instead of my lap. I always have to shoo her away when I'm working with yarn or she'll swallow half the project as soon as I look away. (She tried to take a bite of the scarf seconds after this picture was taken.)