Materials:Yarn of your choice
Beads (with holes big enough for your yarn to fit through)
Crochet hook (approprite for yarn size)
Necklace closure & jump rings
I used black Debbie Bliss Pure Silk, a G hook, and some beads I had laying around.
1. Measure your neck, and measure the gauge of your yarn in chain stitch. This will tell you how many chains you need for your desired length. I decided on about 140 chains per strand.
2. Decide how thick you want your necklace. I made mine 5 chains thick.
3. Begin making chains. To secure a bead in place, push it up close to your hook and chain on the other side of it. Divide them up differently for each chain to create a random look. For example, I put a bead every 10 stitches on my first chain, a bead every 12 stitches on my second, a bead every 15 stitches on my third, etc.
4. Attach the end of each chain to a jump ring, and attach necklace closure like so:

*KNITTERS: This pattern could easily be modified by using a 2 stitch i-cord instead of a crochet chain. Just remember that beads tend to sit on the purl side of a stitch, so pay attention to your placement.