I get some hilarious "bots" trying to sign up for my emailing list. First of all, do they think I won't notice that my usual 1 or 2 signer-uppers per week suddenly jumps to 200 within the span of 5 minutes? And I get 200 notifications saying that asdfasdfasdf@sdfafsd .com and hjklhjkl@hjkhk .com have joined my list? They're not even trying to sound like real addresses anymore.

Secondly, why would a bot/spammer want to know when I have new handspun yarn for sale? What could they possibly do with that information? Let's imagine that I was brain-dead one day and actually put one of them in my address book. Then they'd get... notification that I was having a sale? A coupon code? What?

Surely they can't be so stupid as to think they're being sly about acquiring my email address for spamming purposes, considering my email address is readily available in several places on the site. (Here it is again, you fools! natasha@grittyknits.com!)

I'm flattered that they picked li'l ol' me to be the target of their evil plot, but I really have to wonder what they expect to accomplish. Even lowlife spammers must have SOME kind of payoff in mind or they wouldn't be wasting their time, right?