The store has been updated! Yay! 10 new handspuns, 9 new batts, and lowered prices on lots of older items.

Last week's trip to Dallas was fun; I got to see my old coworkers and customers, though not as many as I would have liked to. But man, I really forgot how long that drive was. My bad back was acting up as usual, and the drive home was quite literally a pain in my backside. With me hobbling around and Adam dealing with the bug he caught from a coworker, this weekend was one big mope-fest.

All I've done today so far is yak on the phone, but while yakking, I managed to re-shoot some of the photos for the store. Now that I am a little more familiar with my camera, I was able to make all the carded batts have more true-to-life color. Here's a sample of the updates:

 frolic  ariel 

oscar   honey