It turns out, I am really bad at this blogging thing. And also this self-motivation thing in general. And probably several other things, but I'm not motivated enough to list them all right now. (Pam at the Woolie Ewe would have my head! Blog 3 times a week, she says!! I'm going to try, Pam. I plomise.)
We've settled into the new house and I have been having a very hard time finding the ideal daily routine. Should I get up early even though I'm not a morning person? Should I stay up and craft all night instead? Does it matter what I choose, since I'm stuck on these stupid pep pills for another 2 weeks and I couldn't go to sleep before 5am even if I tried? The world may never know. Or maybe it will. In two weeks when I'm done with my pills. Ugh.
I recently became interested in ATCs (artist trading cards) and that helped jump-start my brain back into creative mode. I'm NatashaFatale over at You can see my measley (so far) gallery on that website or email me if you want to make a trade.
I got off my duff and did some dyeing and spinning this week and it felt so great to be back in the swing of things. Here are the results of my most recent spinning session:
If you're interested in buying one before I get them up in the store, I can send you the specs for whichever skeins you like. Of course, in the "dammit, I knew I forgot something" department, I acid-dyed all these without the benefit of vinegar, because I am incapable of remembering things. It took me SIX dyeing sessions before I stopped and wondered why the colors were so much paler after drying than they looked in the oven. D'oh!
One last announcement before I go: I am giving raw alpaca fleece another go. My 'Ewe coworker Caryl put me in contact with a friend of hers that has alpacas, and I just bought 20 lbs from her that should be arriving this week. Now that I have a house with a backyard, there will be no need for grossness in my kitchen sink, and therefore no need to give up like I did last time. I plan to go to Home Depot and buy a large tub and do the soaking and cleaning on the back patio. With any luck, I'll have some yarn spun from Mr. Smiley here soon: