The Woolie Ewe's fall class schedule has been posted, including quite a few that will be taught by yours truly. If you live in the Dallas/Plano area and you'd like to take one of my courses, call the 'Ewe at 1-800-460-YARN to sign up. Here are the ones being taught by me:
Full 4-week Course:
Shadow knitting (a.k.a. Illusion knitting): Follow a pattern from our book, or learn to design your own. Monday, Sept. 10, 17, 24, and Oct.1, 10am-12pm. $125 for the course, yarn & book/pattern included.
Bead knitting basics: Incorporating beads into your knitted projects. Thursday, Sept. 27, 1-3pm. $20.
Continental knitting: Learn to hold your working yarn in the left hand. This style of knitting is usually considered faster, and can be useful when doing Fair Isle or Double Knitting. Monday, Oct. 8, One-hour class, any time. $20.
Knitting backwards: Knit without turning your work. Comes in very handy for Entrelac and short row shaping. Monday, Oct. 22, One-hour class, any time. $20
Building Blocks classes (FREE on Fridays, 1-5pm):
Buttonholes: Sept. 7
Correcting Mistakes: Sept. 21
Cast-on Methods: Sept. 28
Making i-cord: Oct. 5
Reading pattern abbreviations: Oct.12
Math class: Oct. 19
Know your yarn: Oct. 26
3-needle bind off: Nov. 2
Sewing in sleeves: Nov. 9
Picking up neck stitches: Nov. 16
There are some other great classes as well, such as Entrelac, 2 lace shawl classes, Vintage-style or Felted Christmas stockings & tree skirt, and naturally all the regular beginner courses too.
Update on the alpaca fiber: I threw it away. After wasting way too much time trying to get it clean, I realized that even the fiber I had finally managed to get white was pretty useless because whoever sheared the animal was obviously not a spinner. First, second, third and fourth cuts abounded, and I would bet more than half of the fibers in the bag ended up being an inch long or less. I got one measly skein out of the whole thing, which I ribbed into this little test swatch-turned-headband. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, My $61 Headband: