Wow, I have been neglecting this thing for quite a long time. In the time I've been gone, I got married, moved into a new apartment, and started working full-time. I had convinced myself that maybe I didn't have time for this website after all. WHAT A SILLY IDEA! I'm back and better than ever, with a whole slew of new things for you guys. My goal is to add a new free pattern and least once a month and also to keep everyone updated with my works in progress.
First things first: NEW PATTERNS!
WOOLIE THE EWE will be featured in the 2007 Stitch 'n' Bitch Pattern-a-Day calendar, but you guys can go ahead and get a head start on him now.
THE LAMPSHADE PURSE is exhibit B of my current obsession with loop stitching. It also adds in some sewing since I've learned to use my new machine, but it could theoretically be stitched by hand if someone was determined enough.

I finally made myself a needle case, modeled loosely after the one in Stitch 'n' Bitch. I knew I needed it to be much more customized that the one in the book, so I painstakingly planned out my elaborate pockets and compartments. It was so crazy, I don't think I could make a tutorial if I tried. Sorry guys. I used the most heinously mis-matched fabric remnants I could find and made tall pockets for my long needles, squat pockets for my circulars, and shallow, skinny pockets for my double points. There's even a space for my crochet hooks and a notepad with pen, but I unfortunately did not stick with my original grand master plan of including a zippered compartment for stitch markers and the like. Maybe next time. Here's a photo of the inside:

And last but not least, WORKS IN PROGRESS:
Here is a short-list of the things I'm either currently working on or that are swimming around in my brain waiting to be invented:
"Potter Puppet Pals" felted finger puppets (started), crocheted baby blanket (started), a pair of socks that don't make me too hot in Texas (NO WOOL!!) and also don't take a hundred years to complete because they're on #2 dpns (still pondering this one), a sleep mask and pillow set (tried and failed, will try again), and roller derby-themed hats for Hollie with stars & stripes for pivoting and jamming (soon).
Am I done finally? Looks like it; there doesn't seem to be any more text under this. Good.