Aaaa! I'm not used to having so many things to do. Today I'm carding up a giant batch of my brand new product called Firecracker Batts. They're impossible to photograph properly because the massive amounts of angelina always look duller in pictures than in real life:

Each 3 ounce batt will have a full ounce of sparkly fiber in it (firestar and angelina) which is a lot. Like, a whole lot. You know those 1/2 ounce baggies of angelina that they normally sell that lasts for like 50 batts? Yeah, I'm using an entire baggie per 2 batts. Plus it's "crinkle cut" angelina, which is much wider than the regular kind and therefore has more reflective surface area.
It's a good thing carding is easy and mindless, because I am a sleep-deprived zombie today. I woke up last night at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep. Thankfully, a rerun of a Sliders episode from the netflix instant queue works almost as well as Xanax. Oh, that Quinn and his zany multi-dimensional hijinks.
Coming soon to the store: Petit fours mini-batt samplers in "merino-only," for those of you who prefer more subdued fiber, beginner spinner kits containing ecru fiber samples, a drop spindle & a "learn to spin" book, and more diverse spinning fibers like camel down, mohair, and rainbow-dyed English Leicester locks.