When I opened the new Vogue Knitting today and saw the blurb for the upcoming exhibit at the Museum of Arts & Design in New York, the problem of where my husband and I will be taking our next vacation was solved. "So, Adam, remember how we were thinking about where we'd like to travel to next? How would you feel about New York? This may or may not be knitting-related..."
Just look at some of these awe inspiring bits of needlework! From the very tiny:

To the gargantuan:

Seeing this show will be well worth the price of a ticket to New York.
Click here to read more.Let's see, what else... I have been SO bogged down lately with projects. I have finally finished the stuffed animal I promised for my mother-in-law, and the scarf pattern that will be my initiation into the world of Stitch 'N' Bitch pattern authors (Yay!), I am almost done with 2 of the 3 scarves promised to my step-mother-in-law and I am hoping to finalize my Debbie Bliss Pure Silk necklace designs before she comes to the store on January 19th. Best case scenario: I invent an impressive enough design that she will jot my name on her short list of people to call if she should ever decide to pull a Willy Wonka-style handing down of her empire.
My brain works much faster than my hands, and the result is that for every knitting project I do, I have 5 more on a list of to-do's. This results in a very large stash that I feel guilty about every time I walk by. I will never get to them all, and it makes me sad. I feel like a bad mother with too many children. "There was an young knitter who lived in a shoe, she had so much yarn she didn't know what to do."
Even though I still have some unused balls of yarn from last year's BIG SALE (
30% off all yarn at the 'Ewe on Saturday, phone orders accepted), I am going to treat myself to a few balls of Mountain Colors 100% Cashmere.