MATERIALS:Size US 4 double pointed needles
MC: Araucania Nature Wool Worsted, maroon-SHADE 34! Finally, for those of you who were asking :)
CC: Araucania Nature Wool Worsted, gold
Finished size: 5" tall, 2.75" wide
BODY:Using MC, CO 36 (divide 18 sts on 1st needle, 9 sts on 2nd and 3rd needles)
Rounds 1-6: knit
Round 7: *k1, k2tog, yo. Repeat from * 11 times
Rounds 8-28: knit
Place sts from 2nd & 3rd needles on stitch holder

Rows 29-43 (front): Work pattern with CC (3 sts on either side of pattern), working in stockinette stitch
The pattern uses an R for Ron Weasley, you can create your own initial pattern 12 sts wide by 15 rows tall
Row 44-46: Continue in stockinette
Row 47: RS facing, k7, BO 4, k7. Place first 7 sts on stitch holder.
Row 48 (front left): purl
Row 49: BO 1, k6
Row 50: purl
Row 51: BO rem 6 sts
Reattach yarn to 7 sts on holder
Row 48 (front right): k7
Row 49: BO 1, p6
Row 50: knit
Row 51: BO rem 6 sts.
Reattach yarn to 18 sts on holder
Rows 29-50 (back): Stockinette stitch
Row 51: BO all sts
SLEEVES:Using MC, CO 12 sts (divide 4 sts on each needle)
Rounds 1-5: k1, p1 rib
Round 6: *k1, inc 1 by knitting into the front & back of 2nd stitch. Repeat from *, you should have 18 sts now
Rounds 7-22: knit
Row 23: Turn work, begin working in straight stockinette. After 3-4 rows, you should be able to transfer all sts to one needle to make straight knitting easier.
Rows 24-38 :BO 1 st at beg of each row
Row 39:BO rem 4 sts
Make 2 sleeves
COLLAR:Using MC, pick up approximately 25 stitches around the neck line (after you've sewn all your pieces together)
Knit 2 or 3 rows in stockinette stitch then bind off all stitches
DRAWSTRING CLOSURE:I-cord for as long as you would like the strap to be. (I made mine about 12" for a wrist strap.) Thread drawstring in and out of holes along the bottom.
For extra sturdiness, stockinette stitch a tiny rectangle about .5" x 1", sew each end to the middle, and pull drawstrings through the holes.