Calling all hand spinners! In case you haven’t heard, Lexi Boeger/Pluckyfluff is building the world’s largest skein of handspun yarn, made from submissions sent to her from spinners all over the world. It will be displayed at Galleri Zink in Lillehammer, Norway along with an entire gallery’s worth of handspun art yarn.
If you’d like to participate, spin something (any fiber, any length, any style, any color) and send it to her by March 1, 2010. Here are a bunch of links that will help you out more than me rambling would:
The Handspun Revolution Ravelry group
Lexi’s blog
Submission flyer (PDF)
Since I am greedy, I have challenged myself to be the person who submits the most yarn for this project. I spun 2 things today, one of which was made from scrap fibers that I thought didn’t really match, and I spun it haphazardly since I didn’t have to worry about knitability, and wouldn’t you know the damn thing turned out so great that I don’t want to have to give it away. But I will anyway, of course. Here they are, top skein is 100% nylon, bottom skein is merino wool, bamboo, nylon, angelina, firestar & pulled silk: